[Fixed] Kingston SD card "file system becomes RAW" solution and data recovery

2022-05-23 23:00 1055

Kingston SD card Raw drive solution 

Read step by step for "Kingston SD Card file system changed to RAW" 

   This is the most common manifestation of partition logic corruption. Some users will first try to use the Windows disk repair tool chk command to repair this situation, however, this operation will not solve the problem and will often cause more serious data damage, which may eventually not be recovered by means of data recovery, causing more serious damage. The original directory structure may not be recovered by means of data recovery, causing more serious losses.

Kingston SD card Raw solution  
Tools / Materials : 
Airy Data Recovery Software Methods/Steps

Kingston SD card Raw drive data recovery

As for the use of software to recover files, I have not tried much, because I have always believed that mobile hard disk is an unreliable medium, the probability of damage is too great, so it has not been used as a backup medium.

You can follow the steps to recover files from the external drive

Step 1. Connect the Kingston SD card Raw drive

To recover data from external storage devices, you need to connect the device to your computer. My Data Recovery software will detect all external and internal hard drives/devices (such as SD cards). If the data is on your smartphone or digital camera, take it out and connect it to the computer with a card reader.

Kingston SD card Raw drive

Step 2. Scan Kingston SD card Raw drive

Under "Devices and Drives", you can easily find the SD card you just connected. Click the Scan button.  
Then, start the scanning process. The results of "deleted files" will be displayed soon.

Step 2. Scan Kingston SD card Raw drive

Step 3. recover Kingston SD card Raw drive

After the scan is finished, you can use the filter function to view only the picture files in the scan result by selecting "Pictures". Select the desired photos and click the Recover button

recover Kingston SD card Raw drive




Note Kingston SD card raw drive :

The files recovered from File System RAW need to be temporarily saved to another disk. 
If you want to recover a Kingston SD card removable hard drive file system to RAW, you need to pay attention to the fact that you must first retrieve the files before formatting them.